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coaa.us Online Discussion Group

Online Discussion Group

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The old COAA Yahoo discussion group is dead.

All COAA members are invited to join the newer group at

The COAA Group is a "private" or “members only” group with membership controlled by its Moderator. There are a number of resources available to COAA Yahoo Group members, including:
  1. An on-line discussion group
  2. Access to photos and / or files posted by members
The on-line discussion group allows members to post and discuss issues of potential interest to other members. Almost any subject is permitted - your travels, marriage, occupation, illness, retirement, mechanical music, new instruments, etc. You can easily contact other group members individually, or post to the entire group. Group posts are moderated. That means all submitted content goes first to the moderator who screens out spam and checks for civility before the material is posted online. Messages between individuals are unfiltered.

Members are not flooded with messages. Last year the average was about 3 messages a month. Most messages are about organs for sale or COAA activities.

If you do not want to post using your real name, you are required to supply it to the Moderator so that your COAA membership can be verified. That is to protect all group members. In that case, your real ID is known only to the moderator and used only to verify current COAA membership.