The Journal of the Carousel Organ Association of America is the official publication of COAA. As a member, you will receive 4 quarterly issues and an annual band organ rally edition - please view 2018 HERE. The issues are mailed in early January, April, July and October.
Each issue of the COAA Journal contains news, information and articles of interest to mechanical music enthusiasts. Please take a look and review Issue #79 HERE - we think you'll be pleased with our publication. You can get a feel for the quality of the COAA Journal by reviewing what has been written in previous editions by author or subject. An Annotated Index to Articles with individual links is available HERE. The rally editions HERE - THANKS!
Our Editor/Publisher is Ron Bopp - he actively welcomes and solicits article input from anyone - COAA members in particular - this is YOUR Journal - if you have an article concept and don't know where to start - please give Ron a call or email rbopp1@tampabay.rr.com for assistance and encouragement - THANKS!

All previous editions of the COAA Journal are available on CD
The CD includes the following:
- all previous COAA Journal Issues, #1 through most recent
- all annual rally editions
- PDF files for each article
- all articles are searchable by subject and author
The CD price is $35.00 plus $5.00 S&H - to order, please contact:
Bill Grimes, COAA Treasurer
308 Vail Street
Hackettstown, NJ 07840-1224
Any questions? Please contact Bill at coaa.159@gmail.com