COAA Journal Advertisers

COAA Journal Advertisers

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Advertising in the Journal of the COAA ...
Meet Editor/Publisher Ron Bopp - not only does he welcome your membership - he welcomes your interest in advertising directly to hundreds of mechanical music enthusiasts around the world. Please scroll down to see our current display ads.

Advertising rates remain at an all time low - please email for your advertising requirements.

Classified Ads ...
COAA Members:
$0.35 per word - $10 minimum per issue

$0.70 per word - $20 minimum per issue

Display Ads ...
Business Card ...... $25.00
1/4 page ...... $50.00 or $180 for 4 issues
1/2 page ...... $100.00 or $360 for 4 issues
Full Page ...... $195.00 or $700 for 4 issues

All ads should be submitted with payment prior to the publication deadlines - the first of December, March, June and September - please contact the COAA Advertising Coordinator, Ron Bopp
for payment and layout guidance - thanks

Current Display Advertisers
Thank You!

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